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Security - News


Crypto - News | Security - News

07 / 2006
Vybrali pro vás: TR - Tomáš Rosa, JP - Jaroslav Pinkava, PV - Pavel Vondruška, VK - Vlastimil Klíma

Hacknutý linuxový server - jak probíhá obnova

  • Don’t panic. Keep your calm and develop a plan of actions
  • Disconnect the system from the network
  • Discover the method used to compromise the system
  • Stop all the attacker scripts and remove his files
  • Restore not affected services
  • Fix the problem that caused the compromise
  • Restore the affected services
  • Monitor the system
Zdroj: http://www.ducea.com/2006/07/17/how-to-restore-a-hacked-linux-server/
Autor: JP

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