Asymetrická kryptografie - IEEE P1363 - návrh zm?n dokumentu P1363.2 (verze D22)
30.11.2005AMP Proposal, Taekyoung Kwon:
Describes proposed changes to APKAS-AMP to prevent an attack, based on the AMP+ protocol of [Kw01], [Kw05], and subsequent P1363 Working Group discussions. This document highlights the differences between this proposal and draft D22 APKAS-AMP.
PAKZ Proposal, Craig Gentry, Philip MacKenzie, Zulfikar Ramzan:
Describes proposed changes to APKAS-PAKZ to prevent an attack, corresponding to the [GMR05] proposal discussed in the August 2005 meeting. This document highlights the differences between this proposal and draft D22 APKAS-APAKZ.
Zdroj: JP
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