V utorok 4.6. sa bude v budove MFF UK na Karlíne (Sokolovska 83) v miestnosti K1 od 18:00 kona? stretnutie OWASPu (Open Web Application Security Project). OWASP je projekt zabývajúci sa bezpe?nos?ou (nie len) webových aplikácii.
Registrácia (zdarma) na
1. Predstavenie organizácie OWASP (Ján Kopecký & Seba Deleersnyder)
2. Peedstavenie projektu OWASP TOP 10 (Ján Kopecký)
3. Security Software Assurance Maturity Model - open framework to help organizations formulate and implement a strategy for software security
This will be first meeting under OWASP Czech Republic. The event is part of the OWASP Europe Tour.
Please see
EUTour2013 for more information.
Event will be hold at MFF UK - room number K1 (close from Krizikova metro station) .
Thank you and see you there!